Important Final Ann...
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[Sticky] Important Final Announcement

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Cresil Violet
Posts: 74
Member Admin
Topic starter

I know this is sudden for everyone, but for me it's something I've been thinking over for a while.

As posted on yiffthis.com:


I regret to inform, esp. new visitors, that this site will go
down Dec 21st 2010 with no promise of if/when it will return.

Due to upcoming changes in my life, It’s in my future’s best
interest that I remove the hosting bills, Vimeo Plus account
bill, and parcel bill. Most importantly, I must remove the
time consumption bill that this site, the forum, emails,
SL group, and various upkeeps incur.

As my most recent blog states, I’m going back to
college in Jan 2011 and paying for a graduate program
myself. I’m also having a change in my living
situation soon which will be expensive and consuming.

I’m planning on using the video editing skills I’ve
sharpened by making these videos to do freelance
business & generate clients. Even though this site is fully
capable of making me money, I have no desire to be stuck
in the porn industry long term either.

This project ran for a year and it was AWESOME to give the
world something nobody else was doing. I poured my heart
into the videos and tried to judge best what you guys
wanted weighed with what I desired to make.

I wholeheartedly thank my volunteers & team members for
helping make this unique adfree gem on the net shine brightly.
May you all be well into the great unknown future.

-Cresil Violet 12/5/2010

As posted on the news feed of yiffthis.com:
This update was hard for me to post, but I thought about it deeply, for weeks, and this is how it's going to be. I'm sad to do this and see my project go, honestly. There's also a link to the site and all videos full stats in the video list, just to share it. This domain will not be for sale or free on the market after Dec 21.

Posted : 05/12/2010 5:40 am