Hai there all ya furz!
I am new to this forum and am looking forward to meet and chat with other ppl ^^
I just like to hang around on SL when I'm bored and maybe yiff
a lil bit ;3
I'm not on alot, but when I do get on, I'm on for hours xD
My SL Name is Light Badger if ya wanna hit me up and I also have a NicoNicoDouga and Youtube ^^
Nico - LightBadger
Youtube - YiffMeHMM85
(My youtube has like, no SL videos whatsoever XD)
What I'll probably greet you with : "Hai thar ^w^"
Hi there ^^ Hope you brought up some 'shrooms too 😉
Have fun on the forums and join us in the chat. Some people might offer cookies, but be careful what you eat :3:
lol I'll be sure to be ;3
What I'll probably greet you with : "Hai thar ^w^"
Woof hai thar. :3
Welcome to the forums! Play nice and behave so jackal will not have to snoop you out and nom upon ears. >3