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The Pink Bunny known as Kit Redfield

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Kit Redfield
Posts: 55
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^-^ like my title implies i am a pink bunny! or some other names that i have come across
Lapin, Bani, Bunneh, Kani, long ears, Cottontail, Bunnie, Banny, Bun Bun, Hopper, Hoppy, and Floppy ears! phew! that was a lot of names to remember, and i cant remember anything!! :yay:
well i think this is a good place as any put put my self. i love items! especially in SL i love freebies
i got so much stuff for free! sadly i beg alot for stuff taht i like. :XD well as most can tell (espically my most fav johns) i yiff alot :XD some pay with items that i really really want or with L$ either way its my way or the high way! 😉 im from the south i live in texas so bunny rabbot has nothing on me luvs~ I love scary things altho the crux chars scare me a little to much >.< (sorry) if you play the Resident Evil games you hafta know the char Chris Redfield! i like to joke that im his long lost relative. >x< i love music, Daft Punk (i call em Draft Punk, i dono why i just do) some rap like Ememin, Some trance, opera, rock, i espically love sad sounding songs.
i like hopping around SL finding freebies or haunting the market for the same. so if any one wants to pet meh leme know! im awals staliking somone! oh! an my "outher" fursona is a Artic Fox but hes off limits boys~

cum and see me dance at The Den you may even get to spend some "privite" time with me! if you have what it takes!~ since i have someone that loves taking my pic and if there's something you would like to see me take a picture with send me a i.m. on SL and well talk!~

Posted : 07/10/2010 2:11 am
Posts: 233
Reputable Member

Welcome to the forums bunny ^^

behave or...well I wil let Achi tell you what is going to happen, when furrs do not behave 😉

Posted : 07/10/2010 9:14 am
Kit Redfield
Posts: 55
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Topic starter

O.O squeeek! ill try to behave ^-^ no promises tho :yay:

cum and see me dance at The Den you may even get to spend some "privite" time with me! if you have what it takes!~ since i have someone that loves taking my pic and if there's something you would like to see me take a picture with send me a i.m. on SL and well talk!~

Posted : 07/10/2010 12:13 pm
Posts: 233
Reputable Member

Hello there Kit!

Posted : 07/10/2010 5:15 pm
Kit Redfield
Posts: 55
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Topic starter

Hello there Kit!

Hi! -i just found the "quote" button >.<

cum and see me dance at The Den you may even get to spend some "privite" time with me! if you have what it takes!~ since i have someone that loves taking my pic and if there's something you would like to see me take a picture with send me a i.m. on SL and well talk!~

Posted : 07/10/2010 5:21 pm
Posts: 233
Reputable Member

heh, you're learning 😉

Posted : 07/10/2010 5:23 pm
Kit Redfield
Posts: 55
Trusted Member
Topic starter

heh, you're learning 😉

hee hee hee~ yush!

cum and see me dance at The Den you may even get to spend some "privite" time with me! if you have what it takes!~ since i have someone that loves taking my pic and if there's something you would like to see me take a picture with send me a i.m. on SL and well talk!~

Posted : 07/10/2010 8:18 pm
Posts: 37
Member Moderator

Welcome to the forums cotton tail! Hope to see around and to level the species score with all these canines 😛

Posted : 07/10/2010 10:46 pm
Kit Redfield
Posts: 55
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Topic starter

Welcome to the forums cotton tail! Hope to see around and to level the species score with all these canines 😛

Hee Hee!~ ja! level the score! :yay:

cum and see me dance at The Den you may even get to spend some "privite" time with me! if you have what it takes!~ since i have someone that loves taking my pic and if there's something you would like to see me take a picture with send me a i.m. on SL and well talk!~

Posted : 08/10/2010 2:13 am
Posts: 233
Reputable Member

Why hello there bunnyfluff and welcome to the forums. :3

Play nice, behave and jackal will not have to sneak up and nom on ears. >3

Posted : 08/10/2010 4:50 am
Kit Redfield
Posts: 55
Trusted Member
Topic starter

Why hello there bunnyfluff and welcome to the forums. :3

Play nice, behave and jackal will not have to sneak up and nom on ears. >3

nuuuu! >.< not my bani ears! there sensitive! lol on the bunnyfluff thats a new one~! an ty fot the welcome
:yay: :v

cum and see me dance at The Den you may even get to spend some "privite" time with me! if you have what it takes!~ since i have someone that loves taking my pic and if there's something you would like to see me take a picture with send me a i.m. on SL and well talk!~

Posted : 08/10/2010 2:35 pm