Hello there everyone! Found this site thanks to a friend. :keke:
About myself, I am 22 years old,enjoying the college life, and I guess I started learning about the furries in late 2006.
I do like to game (mainly the older games), when it comes to music I am a huge fan of 80s music and 90's dance music, and I guess when time permits, I like to hang out with friends 🙂
Hello there everyone! Found this site thanks to a friend. :keke:
About myself, I am 22 years old,enjoying the college life, and I guess I started learning about the furries in late 2006.
I do like to game (mainly the older games), when it comes to music I am a huge fan of 80s music and 90's dance music, and I guess when time permits, I like to hang out with friends 🙂
Hello there and welcome to the forums ^^
Greetings there and welcome. :3
Play nice and cookies you shall receive. x3
Hello there everyone! Found this site thanks to a friend. :keke:
About myself, I am 22 years old,enjoying the college life, and I guess I started learning about the furries in late 2006.
I do like to game (mainly the older games), when it comes to music I am a huge fan of 80s music and 90's dance music, and I guess when time permits, I like to hang out with friends 🙂
Welcome to the forums ^^
80s music fan 🙂 Oldies, but goodies. Drop by the music forum to exchange some experience...and as Achi already hinted:
Cookies, and grief counseling, will be available at the end of the testing period. ;P
Welcome Icefyre! Hope you get a pic of your avatar up soon. Blue Dragons are pretty handsome ^_~