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wolfy hug to yas

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Posts: 24
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Ok, to give a brief intro on myself. I'm Pendzez Zazkex, or Pendzez Gearz on SL. I'm a tech student, currently studying an Information Technology course. I hope to go into computer development (Hardware, software, etc.) as a full time job, or at least something to do with computers. I live in Australia, well on an island called Tasmania, which is part of Australia. My fursona is a white arctic wolf, with platinum hair and golden streaks, been in the fandom since 2008. Also, to bring this out, I'm a christian and a gay, and, unfortunately, born with Asperger's Syndrome.

With that out of the way, I had an honor of meeting Cresil once. In May, during the May orgy party. (One of the pics has a freebie tan wolf with black hair and short jeans, just standing there with no parts showing. That's me.) However, later this year, hopefully during the christmas holiday's, I will give my avi a complete make over. New avi, new hair, new parts, etc.

Anyways, moving on, I enjoy a wide variety of music, some classic to the metals. For a short list:

Disturbed (USA)
Decoded Feedback (Canada)
The Eternal (Australia)
Schwarz Stein/Rudolf Steiner/another cell (Japan)
Lacrimosa (Germany)
Rammstein (Germany)
Ghost (Japan)
Razed in Black (USA/Hawaii)
Evanescence (USA)
Malice Mizer (Japan)
Versailles (Japan)
Moi Dix Mois (Japan)
Eve of Destiny (Japan)
Gackt (Japan)
so on.

As you may have noticed, there's more Japanese stuff than anything else. I'm more into uniqueness. J-rock has a lot of uniqueness, especially in the visual kei genre.


Hayao Miyazaki films (My Neighbour Totoro, Kiki's Delivery Service, Porco Rosso, Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, Ponyo)
LOTR trilogy
Alien trilogy
Predator trilogy
Star Wars trilogy
Drop Dead Fred
Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children
Wolfman (2009/2010 remake)
Ghost in the Shell OVA movies (Solid State Society as well)
so on.

Video Games:
Second Life (Of course)
Final Fantasy series
Dynasty/Samurai Warriors series
Guitar Hero series
Assassin's Creed trilogy
Spyro the Dragon
Crash Bandicoot
Legend of Dragoon
World of Warcraft
so on.

So yeah, thats my brief intro. Only other thing to say is, if you wanna have chat, I'm open for a conversation. I may be a wolf, but I don't bite... much.

Gonna be absent 26/9-26/11

Posted : 21/09/2010 4:16 am
Cresil Violet
Posts: 74
Member Admin

Welcome to the forums! Seen you around lots on the chatterbox.

Sweet musical tastes, Decoder Feedback. :3

Posted : 21/09/2010 4:41 am
Posts: 233
Reputable Member

Welcome ye ^^ and a big bear hug and hi 🙂

Nice music taste. Feel free to join us in the music section of the forum 🙂

Posted : 21/09/2010 5:30 am
Posts: 233
Reputable Member

My my, now that is an elaborate introduction. Well done. :3

Welcome to the forums and play nice or jackal shall nom on your ears. :B

Posted : 21/09/2010 3:04 pm
Posts: 24
Eminent Member
Topic starter

well, thank yous for the warm welcome 🙂

Cresil, thanks, a couple of artists on my music list was from your vids, (Razed in Black, Tiesto, De Lorean, Orbital, Dj Squash). Thanks big time, man 😀

Issashu, thank you, I'll pop by the music section and have a look 🙂 I'm always looking for more to add to my music list.

Achi, thanks, but you wouldn't be the first that nommed on my ears. There was a dragon, a lizard, a feline, another wolf, and... I think thats it.

Also, to all, if you find my name a bit to hard to pronounce, I go by the nickname of 'Panda-zaz' or just 'Panda'. You can thank the Unfurled boys for that.

Gonna be absent 26/9-26/11

Posted : 21/09/2010 6:11 pm