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Woof Woof ^.^

9 Posts
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Posts: 21
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OK. Well first off I suck at these introductions. Just as I 'suck' other things :yay: lol. And yes, that means I am 100 Trillion billion zillion quadrillion? percent gay. Males rock my world while females.... well they can just be great friends with me. And go shopping lol. Um...what else. I love playing video and computer games (like secondlife, halo, Final Fantasy, even miss old school mario lol). I also used to play table top D&D back in the day. Damn, now I feel old! And I'm only 23!!! Also I'm a cuddle slut whether it's with a friend or someone that could potentially be more. I love romance... but I also like some things rough and wild 😀

Anywho, as I said, I'm terrible at these introductions so the best way to get to know me is talk to me. I've been working a new job alot irl so the best to catch me is on yahoo though you might still catch me in SL on my days off. Oh, and did I mention that I'm single and looking? 😉 Friendships and more are always welcomed! So hope to hear from you soon!!! :dance: :yay: :dance:

Posted : 21/09/2010 1:27 am
Cresil Violet
Posts: 74
Member Admin

Welcome to these spanking new forums Merlyn!

Posted : 21/09/2010 2:05 am
Posts: 21
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Woot Woot! A welcome from a forum admin and the Yiffthis creator himself! ~grabs my chest with my right paw as my body suddenly becomes stiff and I fall outta my chair from a heart attack~

Posted : 21/09/2010 2:14 am
Posts: 233
Reputable Member

Welcome to the forum ^^

*Rolls charisma check 1d20 = 15* It's good to know there are more players here 😀

Posted : 21/09/2010 2:30 am
Posts: 233
Reputable Member

Welcome to the fluffpit. Enjoy your stay and play nice. :3

Posted : 21/09/2010 3:08 am
Posts: 21
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rofl @ Issashu. Well at least I'm not the only 'old fart' lol. Thank you all for your welcomes. And Achi.... where's the fun in playing nice? Afterall... it looks like you wanna bite something. If so... I know just the thing for you to nibble on ^_~

Posted : 21/09/2010 3:23 am
Posts: 45
Member Moderator

welcome to the forums. please keep your hands and legs in at all times or massive yiffage may ins-sue :XD

Posted : 22/09/2010 8:20 pm
Posts: 21
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o.o Oh no! not massive yiffage!!!!!! EEEEKKKK!!!!!!!

~stretches his paws and legs out as far as possibel~ :yay: :XD

Posted : 22/09/2010 9:11 pm
Posts: 45
Member Moderator

~stretches his paws and legs out as far as possibel~ :yay: :XD

i see what you did there :yay: :yay: :yay:

Posted : 22/09/2010 10:47 pm