Yes take this space to post all your musically driven ways!
I don't really advertise it under my Cresil guise besides a subtle link to my FA on, but this wolf does have a passion for music editing. :3
I took 9 years of piano lessons and taught piano to kids for a bit. I played bass in an alt. rock band for a lil while. (they were so-so I left after a few gigs, too many drugs around, how typical.)
Here's a few of my recent polished songs I of varying genres: Trancey Experimental Solo Piano
You know what makes me happy... every now and then I open up the music section of FA and download about 3 pages and listen to them while gaming. I've found quite a good deal of stuff that makes me think I left a radio stream on. 🙂
I tired to learn how to play the piano once..... and failed horribly, but i did play the flute for like a year or so
I can't seem to get the hang of wind instruments, I think I nearly passed out last time I tried to get a single note with a flute. Maybe I'm just better at sucking than blowing. :v
I can pick up and go with most any string instruments tho.
Piano is a fun instrument 😀
i just play the drums, so i guess i should do a drum solo XD
I've been playing bass guitar for a few years now, with somewhat mixed results. Even after about half a year of piano lessons I can't sight read or even remember which fret is what note D: I mostly learned stuff on my own and took some lessons for the first year or so, then I got too busy and soon moved away to keep up with it. I don't play regular songs very often, unless I notice a really killer bass line or riff that really gets me inspired. Most of the time I pick a root, pick a mode, then just play. It's fun, but I lack structure 🙁