First Experince!
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First Experince!

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Kit Redfield
Posts: 55
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here you can. -if you want- post your first exp <.< >.> or your first furry sex experience! 😀
or your first RL sexual experience, kiss, cyber, mostly i wanna here your most dirty or innocent experience! :3: and if you tell me yours ill tell you mine! :XD

cum and see me dance at The Den you may even get to spend some "privite" time with me! if you have what it takes!~ since i have someone that loves taking my pic and if there's something you would like to see me take a picture with send me a i.m. on SL and well talk!~

Posted : 07/10/2010 2:33 am
Posts: 233
Reputable Member

My first furry RP involved me and my Marty Stu fursona at the time getting crippled, forced to take drugs, and held captive by a rapist voreaphiliac.

The Jack forums are absolutely terrible.

EDIT: In case it was confusing no this was not my idea at all and it in no way aroused me D:

Posted : 07/10/2010 10:15 pm
Posts: 37
Member Moderator

Well my first furry expience I suppose would be over the phone how me and my puppy at the time were gonna be chained together like in Loveless.. you know something commanding yet touching.

Posted : 07/10/2010 11:16 pm
Kit Redfield
Posts: 55
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Topic starter

My first furry RP involved me and my Marty Stu fursona at the time getting crippled, forced to take drugs, and held captive by a rapist voreaphiliac.

The Jack forums are absolutely terrible.

EDIT: In case it was confusing no this was not my idea at all and it in no way aroused me D:

Well my first furry experience I suppose would be over the phone how me and my puppy at the time were gonna be chained together like in Loveless.. you know something commanding yet touching.

ok well i was hoping for something along the lines of your first happy exp >.< maybe i shoulda said that! well my fist exp with a fur was in the palcomix chat room where i was ambushed by a wolf and yiffed hard. >.< is it wrong that i enjoyed it? as for my fist gay exp, was when i was a kid and some kid with big red lips cornerd me then kissed me X3 so thats perty much it :XD

cum and see me dance at The Den you may even get to spend some "privite" time with me! if you have what it takes!~ since i have someone that loves taking my pic and if there's something you would like to see me take a picture with send me a i.m. on SL and well talk!~

Posted : 08/10/2010 2:20 am
Posts: 37
Member Moderator

ok well i was hoping for something along the lines of your first happy exp >.< maybe i shoulda said that! well my fist exp with a fur was in the palcomix chat room where i was ambushed by a wolf and yiffed hard. >.< is it wrong that i enjoyed it? as for my fist gay exp, was when i was a kid and some kid with big red lips cornerd me then kissed me X3 so thats perty much it :XD

lol i never said it wasnt a happy one.. I really enjoyed the time I spent with my puppy.

Posted : 08/10/2010 7:54 am
Kit Redfield
Posts: 55
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Topic starter

ok well i was hoping for something along the lines of your first happy exp >.< maybe i shoulda said that! well my fist exp with a fur was in the palcomix chat room where i was ambushed by a wolf and yiffed hard. >.< is it wrong that i enjoyed it? as for my fist gay exp, was when i was a kid and some kid with big red lips cornerd me then kissed me X3 so thats perty much it :XD

lol i never said it wasnt a happy one.. I really enjoyed the time I spent with my puppy.

XD thats good! ive recently come to relise not to dwell on the knolage that it wont last but to enjoy it whle it does :yay:

cum and see me dance at The Den you may even get to spend some "privite" time with me! if you have what it takes!~ since i have someone that loves taking my pic and if there's something you would like to see me take a picture with send me a i.m. on SL and well talk!~

Posted : 08/10/2010 2:31 pm
Posts: 233
Reputable Member

My first furry RP involved me and my Marty Stu fursona at the time getting crippled, forced to take drugs, and held captive by a rapist voreaphiliac.

The Jack forums are absolutely terrible.

EDIT: In case it was confusing no this was not my idea at all and it in no way aroused me D:

Holy hell....

Posted : 08/10/2010 10:02 pm
Cresil Violet
Posts: 74
Member Admin

My first furry RP involved me and my Marty Stu fursona at the time getting crippled, forced to take drugs, and held captive by a rapist voreaphiliac.

The Jack forums are absolutely terrible.

EDIT: In case it was confusing no this was not my idea at all and it in no way aroused me D:

Holy hell....

Community RP forums can get pretty rollercoasterlike in my experience. Just to play along you are found doing things way off your kink. I can't even begin to easily describe the thoughts behind say... some of the strange, heavy scenarios that happened during sex RP's on a Flamedramon-lovers yahoo group I got into a long time ago that ended up being my furry catalyst.

Posted : 11/10/2010 12:36 am
Posts: 233
Reputable Member

I once had a bad RP incident myself in the summer of 2009.

But, long story short, after all the apologies, that person and I became very close friends! 🙂

Posted : 11/10/2010 6:27 pm
Kit Redfield
Posts: 55
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Topic starter

I once had a bad RP incident myself in the summer of 2009.

But, long story short, after all the apologies, that person and I became very close friends! 🙂

XD i know of thoase bad ones and im glad to hear that you two became close firends =^W^=

cum and see me dance at The Den you may even get to spend some "privite" time with me! if you have what it takes!~ since i have someone that loves taking my pic and if there's something you would like to see me take a picture with send me a i.m. on SL and well talk!~

Posted : 11/10/2010 7:23 pm
Posts: 37
Member Moderator

I once had a bad RP incident myself in the summer of 2009.

But, long story short, after all the apologies, that person and I became very close friends! 🙂

omg ive had a bad rp once with this dom who just didnt type more then a three word sentence.... it was so awful. So after it all i sent him this video :3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3cXsKeWm_Q

Posted : 11/10/2010 10:02 pm
Kit Redfield
Posts: 55
Trusted Member
Topic starter

I once had a bad RP incident myself in the summer of 2009.

But, long story short, after all the apologies, that person and I became very close friends! 🙂

omg ive had a bad rp once with this dom who just didnt type more then a three word sentence.... it was so awful. So after it all i sent him this video :3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3cXsKeWm_Q

OMG!!! LMFAO!!! :yay: :yay: :yay: :XD :XD that was super epic! i fell the same way hes does altho im gulity of doing the two line tango it takes me at least a few minits before i can finish typing a few lines >.<

cum and see me dance at The Den you may even get to spend some "privite" time with me! if you have what it takes!~ since i have someone that loves taking my pic and if there's something you would like to see me take a picture with send me a i.m. on SL and well talk!~

Posted : 11/10/2010 10:52 pm
Posts: 10
Active Member

my first furry RP was actually with who's now a good friend of mine

funny thing was i mistook his gender at first but corrected it than me and him yiffed

I know I'm not the only playful and bad minded furry here *giggles*

Posted : 08/11/2010 6:54 am