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EBM Sing Off!

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Posts: 24
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I made this rp for entertainment. Wasn't sure if the rp forums were just for decoration, but if they are, then you may disregard this thread. Anyways, down to the point, I thought to make a Electronic Body Music related thread. The whole reason for this was for a bit of fun, that and I was a little bit bored. This is how it works, you join with the name of your character, age, gender etc. and give what band s/he'll (I know, mainly hes, but who knows, might be a woman in there somewhere) be singing from that are under the EBM genre. I'm starting with EBM for now. Later on, I mean, later on in the year or possibly next year, there'll be a different genre or a mixed genre. I just wanna see how this kicks off. Note: If someone has already chosen a group, no one else can select the same group

Character sheet skeleton:

Name: (Whats his/her name)
Age: (How old is he? Can be any age for fun, but above 16, please)
Species: (What is s/he?)
Gender: (Male or Female?)
Orientation: (Gay, straight, bi?)
From: (Which country does s/he come from?)
Band act: (S/he'll be preforming as?)
Appearance: (What's s/he wearing?)
Personality: (is s/he friendly, angry, etc.?)

If any more info is required, please send a PM to me.

2nd Note: The location of this taking place is Viage Entertainment Center in Belgium, since Belgium is where EBm came into existance. No abusive, violent, racial, discriminatory, or sexual behaviour in any way, both IC and OOC. There can be IC rivalry, but friendly rivalry, nothing violent. This is a non-yiff thread. Kissing, licking (Non-sexually), hugging is fine, just keep it PG-13 please.

Name: Pendzez Zazkex
Age: 17
Speacies: Arctic Wolf
Gender: Male
Orientation: Gay
From: Australia
Band act: Schwarz Stein
Appearance: 6', white fur, platinum hair with gold streaks, white shirt with a rainbow 'Wolf Life" slogan, black denim jeans, and grey hiking boots with black lining on the soles.
Personality: Pendzez is a a cheerful wolf, always going with a smile. Despite being younger for his age, he is well talented in speaking Japanese and doing a perfect cover solo of Schwarz Stein, which got him invited to the EBM Sing Off!.

Pendzez was standing in line that seemed to go on forever. This was the night of the big EBM Sing Off! He was actually surprised that he got an invitation at all. He didn't realize that they would find out somehow. However, he thought it might be good to preform to an audience, other than club members down back home in Australia. Maybe he would be able to meet the other preformers while he was here. He just hoped they liked his voice. Wouldn't have mattered if he didn't win, as long as he fun.

He stood waiting patiently, as the line moved slowly forward towards the main door of Viage. He had wondered who was actually sponsering this event, but he would soon find out.

Gonna be absent 26/9-26/11

Posted : 22/09/2010 12:47 am