The Chatterbox Newb...
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[Sticky] The Chatterbox Newbie Thread

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Cresil Violet
Posts: 74
Member Admin
Topic starter

Alrighty, this is for all the furs or non-furs that post things on the chatterbox nearly every other day like:
"is this a game? Can u rly play this? This actually happens in SL? HALP - I can only find the human secondlife where is the furry one!?"

Start here! 🙂

Make an account, download the app, and log in!

Second Life has a STEEP LEARNING CURVE. If you are thinking you want to jump in and start humping and it will look as awesome as in my videos, you will most likely be disappointed. It 'is' pretty easy to find some yiff however, as long as you don't typ liek dis.

------------------ SEARCHING FOR FURRY PLACES (Sims) ------------------

------------------ GETTING YOURSELF AGE-VERIFIED ------------------

There is plenty of 'Mature' rated content you can get your paws on without this, but it will make things easier, such as getting into the more popular yiff clubs.
Log into your account on http://www.secondlife.com and find the area as seen below, fill out the form.

------------------ SEARCHING FOR YIFF! ------------------

Posted : 06/10/2010 10:43 pm
Kit Redfield
Posts: 55
Trusted Member

i know a place where someone who's wanting fur avi's can get a box containing lots of furry avi's there free so there not the very pretty ones like that are seen in the vid's but there good for newbies and to play with. :teach:

cum and see me dance at The Den you may even get to spend some "privite" time with me! if you have what it takes!~ since i have someone that loves taking my pic and if there's something you would like to see me take a picture with send me a i.m. on SL and well talk!~

Posted : 07/10/2010 1:31 am
Cresil Violet
Posts: 74
Member Admin
Topic starter

Alright, bumping this up to sticky as I just put in a few helpful picture guides. Newbies please let me know if there's anything else I can add that would be helpful!

If you want to find where to buy furry avatars, just do a search for it, you'll get the hang of it in no time. 🙂

When you go to buy something, the game will pretty much direct you into how to buy some 'lindens' via your bank account or paypal.

The only tricky part beyond that stuff, is well.. editing attachments and wearing accessories that are not packaged to fit on you perfectly right away.. doing that with any skill will come with time!

Posted : 16/10/2010 11:24 pm
Deyna Firelight
Posts: 23
Eminent Member

not sure where to post this so I'll ask here...I have my avi all set up, but he's missing a certain..part...was wondering if anyone could tell me where I could buy an otter penis, where and how much it costs would help me a lot ^^

the number one welsh gay otter ^^

Posted : 31/10/2010 7:57 pm
Cresil Violet
Posts: 74
Member Admin
Topic starter

not sure where to post this so I'll ask here...I have my avi all set up, but he's missing a certain..part...was wondering if anyone could tell me where I could buy an otter penis, where and how much it costs would help me a lot ^^

Kind of like the pictures above, but I'm not sure you would get the right thing if you type in otter penis, but hell.. I own one :9
Just browse furry malls, you'll come across the adult section and the bit vendors. I think the otter penis I have is from Damaged Inc.

actually.. you might get one if you search the SL market, It's all online now from your browser.

That's a good thing to mention.



Posted : 02/11/2010 10:06 pm
Deyna Firelight
Posts: 23
Eminent Member

^^ thanks, i'll try looking first thing tomorrow, i would now but its just gone 2am here and i only came on here quick to check whats happening lol, thanks again 🙂

the number one welsh gay otter ^^

Posted : 05/11/2010 8:56 pm
Posts: 233
Reputable Member

Alright, bumping this up to sticky as I just put in a few helpful picture guides. Newbies please let me know if there's anything else I can add that would be helpful!

If you want to find where to buy furry avatars, just do a search for it, you'll get the hang of it in no time. 🙂

When you go to buy something, the game will pretty much direct you into how to buy some 'lindens' via your bank account or paypal.

The only tricky part beyond that stuff, is well.. editing attachments and wearing accessories that are not packaged to fit on you perfectly right away.. doing that with any skill will come with time!

Someone earlier mentioned free avatars. I remember I received that when I first signed up, and since I got back on I decided to actually buy some decent stuff. If you or anyone else for sure remember where this freebie area is located, you should include the name so any potential people who want to hop on and don't care what they look like, they have a little bit of a selection. Hell, if needed, I still have them I think and I don't think that transfers with them are restricted.

Posted : 22/11/2010 2:11 am