
About this animation, I think it’s the longest I ever made so far. ( about 3500 frames )
Plus it’s the first one fully rendered in Mental Ray, instead of Maya software. It took more than a week, but I think that you should notice a good improvement in the lighting/shadows on furry surfaces.

I hope you’ll like it !

I deciced to make a balto model then a short animation !

It was difficult to make a model 3d looking like the original, since that originally, it is a toony character. (contrary to Bolt,for example, which was already a 3d character)

I hope you will like it anyway!

Other new thing : I managed to add dynamic fire effects, but it looks weird in the front and left view, but it’s okay in the right view, probably because of the background (too bright, I think), i’ll fix that the next time I’ll use fire effects.

I don’t think that I’ll make a more complicated animation with this balto model (not soon, anyway), but It’s still available for commissions.

Animation – Canine threesome

By h0rs3posted Nov 3, 2008 05:36 PM

The animation my mate commissioned from h0rs3 of myself happily having my muzzle humped by him.

I am well aware this has already been posted twice by both my mate and h0rs3 himself so I will be placing this into scraps in a week to keep copies out of the Flash browsing section. I posted this in case any of my watchers haven’t seen it yet and because I felt obligated since I’m in it!

Humpin’ Lion © imperiallion imperiallion
Suckin’ Foxeh © Myself kurisu-kitsune kurisu-kitsune