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Your Favourite Game Ever

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Deyna Firelight
Posts: 23
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Everyone has that one game that stands out as their all time favourite, so I was wondering what all yours were ^^
Mine will always be that amazing game, Final Fantasy VII, a game I still play to death to this day, it's the game that got me interested in RPG's
So now you know mine, whats yours?

the number one welsh gay otter ^^

Posted : 27/10/2010 8:05 pm
Keres Clawtooth
Posts: 38
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Final Fantasy 6

Hell yeah.

It's Rape Keres Day!!!!
Keres' FurAffinity go!

Posted : 27/10/2010 9:16 pm
Cresil Violet
Posts: 74
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Lufia and the Fortress of Doom for SNES

<3 <3 such damn good times. Playing for hours to get out of a cave and go save my game in town lol.

Posted : 28/10/2010 1:09 am
Posts: 233
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There are a couple for me...well maybe more, but these two must be my all-time favourites:

Ultima 7

Also a big fan of the Ultima Online game. Best ever MMO game out there IMO

The second game is Crusader: No Remorse

Posted : 28/10/2010 5:50 pm
Posts: 233
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Marathon and Quake 3!

Posted : 28/10/2010 6:42 pm
Cresil Violet
Posts: 74
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Marathon and Quake 3!

Marathon was quite a classic.. I have a hard time playing it nowdays tho.. I'm a sucker for eyecandy and HD and DX10 etc. & now that the technology exists, it's ruined the old-times fun for this wolf, when it comes to FPS anyway... I can still enjoy a nice blocky SNES RPG ;3

Posted : 28/10/2010 10:32 pm
Deyna Firelight
Posts: 23
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yeah, Assassins Creed Brotherhood, it looks pretty good, especially the multiplayer, though to be honest, I always thought the Assassin Creed games were way overrated...and I have to agree with you there Cresil, when you look back at earlier games, especially older FPS games, they haven't dated so well, but older blocky 2D games have... hehe, I still get impressed by Sonic and Knuckles on the Sega Megadrive (Genesis in the U.S) for the colour in the game, most games these days are way too dark for my liking

the number one welsh gay otter ^^

Posted : 29/10/2010 6:45 am
Posts: 14
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If we're talking in terms of "games I've replayed the most consistently and frequently", I suppose we'd have to go with the MegaMan series (both original and X series). It really doesn't seem to matter how many times I've beaten them, in how many ways, how recently, or what have you; I never get tired of the catchy tunes, the fast-paced gameplay, and the challenge they present.

If we're talking about "games that had the greatest impact on me", I think I might have to go with Okami. It helped snap me out of a rather severe couple of years of depression thanks to its beautiful art style, wonderful music, easy-going but still fast-paced and exciting gameplay, and touching (if a bit drawn-out and redundant) storyline. Seriously, if you at all like platforming games, especially in the Zelda-style, and can put up with some quirky and sometimes repetitive behavior, you really must play this game at some point.

I suck at picking favorites. XD

Posted : 31/10/2010 8:53 pm
Deyna Firelight
Posts: 23
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I am dying so much to play Okami, but where I am I cant find a copy for love nor money, it looks like an amazing game to play, and I'm also a massive Zelda fan ^^ the art style on Okami reminds me of Wind Waker

the number one welsh gay otter ^^

Posted : 05/11/2010 8:59 pm
Posts: 2
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Super Metroid -Snes.Bloodlines- PC.Mortal combat- sega.Quake 1,2.Half-life.Myth-Pc.Battletoads-sega....can't to choose best 1 fav. game X3

Posted : 08/11/2010 6:35 am
Posts: 10
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a game i used to alway like playing and still remains my favorite is operation Europe for the snes and also Mario is missing

I know I'm not the only playful and bad minded furry here *giggles*

Posted : 08/11/2010 6:38 am
Deyna Firelight
Posts: 23
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haha, true, I'm very suprised nobody has mentioned Mario yet, though personally I prefer Sonic, only in 2D though, the 3D Sonic games were quite frankly, crap, where the 3D Mario games were awesome, especially Super Mario 64 on the N64, and no Pokemon lovers yet?

the number one welsh gay otter ^^

Posted : 11/11/2010 8:25 pm
Posts: 233
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haha, true, I'm very suprised nobody has mentioned Mario yet, though personally I prefer Sonic, only in 2D though, the 3D Sonic games were quite frankly, crap, where the 3D Mario games were awesome, especially Super Mario 64 on the N64, and no Pokemon lovers yet?

Never really liked the Mario games, though a HUGE Sonic fan. Most of the 3D games were pretty, as you said, crap, though Sonic Unleashed for the Wii (hsaven't played the other versions) was rather good.

As for Pokemon, my mate is a walking pokedex ^^

Posted : 21/11/2010 11:00 pm
Posts: 233
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Because there are different genres, I think each I can think of can be classified that way.

Best RTS: Star Craft
Best FPS: Toss up between Call of Duty and Halo
Best Third person Shooter: Gears of War
Best card game: Speed (If anyone else knows this game, I give you ten awesome points.)

Side scroller? The Metroid titles for GBA :3

Posted : 22/11/2010 1:34 am
Posts: 3
New Member

Here my list :]

Lots of fighting games like:
Tekken3, Rival Schools [PS1]
Soul Calibur II, Super Smash Brothers Melee, Naruto Gekitou Ninja Taisen 4 [Gamecube]
Super Smash Brothers Brawl [Wii]

Other favourite games:
Pokémon Blue [Gameboy]
Bomberman, Pandemonium [PS1]
Baten Kaitos [Gamecube]
Okami [Wii]
Ninja Gaiden 2, Bayonetta, Eternal Sonata [XBOX360]

Posted : 25/11/2010 2:23 am
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