
So…..this video is short.

Please do not look at this as a regular production. I have switched over to Davinchi Resolve 14 as my main editor thanks to native Linux support, which is my primary platform.

This video is a very fast-paced throw together. There ARE mistakes in it, but thats what editing is for. Since I had not given you guys a video in two years essentially, I thought I’d at least share this

Production: YiffTrax

Performers: Shunkaha & Rook

Music: https://cigarettesaftersex.bandcamp.com/

You will have to forgive the few editing mistakes I made and recording boo boos, I was unbelievably tired when I started editing this one, and I’m lucky it turned out as it did.


Production: YiffTrax

Performers: Ruuqo & Rook

Music: Bloody Tadi – You