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What are you playing now?

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Games come and go, and gamer's tastes change pretty often. Having fun blasting Covenant in Reach? Obsessed with some obscure new indie game? Find a Virtual Boy at a yard sale and are now having to use a braille keyboard from retina damage? This is the thread.

Keep in mind that this topic can very easily dissolve into a "+1 to post count" low content thread that we are against. Try to add a short review of the game or describe why it's held your attention, don't just post a title.

Since WoW lost all interest to me when Cataclysm was announced and promises to be as orgasmic as a fennec's muzzle, I've dropped it for a free MMO: Dungeon Fighter Online. I know, Korean MMO, but it's really, really fun. I loved Streets of Rage as a kid and it's really reminiscent of that kinda gameplay kicked up to 11. The grind is noticeable but not bad at all until you hit near level-cap. There's the standard cash shop money grab, but everything you could need to play to the fullest extent can be bought with in-game gold. It's a really great example of how these games should be run. Also, you can suplex a minotaur. Awesome.

Posted : 15/09/2010 11:59 pm
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Spending most time in Starcraft II this days and Everquest 2. relaxing with some Disciples 3, L4Ds and Second life 🙂

Really enjoy the new SC battle tactics and the fact that the game isn't THAT much about number of units, but types. Disciples 3 is my favorite TBS right now, though the previous game was far far better.

About EQ2, whoever has played Evercrack, knows what I am talking about XD

Posted : 16/09/2010 3:43 am
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Humm, quite a bit at this point. StarCraft2 , League of Legends and some Amnesia for horror needs. x3

Won't count Furcadia and Second Life into the list seeing as it is more for role playing and chatting.

I must admit Amnesia seems a bit lighter than the predecessors from the Penumbra series, though it still offers a good story to walk through. The only thing that could have been better is the lack of puzzles in the game. But thankfully there are more than enough ghouls in the game to keep you occupied.

Posted : 16/09/2010 3:54 am
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I hop along a lot of games as they go on various sales and such. Right now, I just started Final Fantasy XIII (grabbed it for 20$, so I couldn't resist!), coincidentally trying out FFXI after a different sale, and in the meantime I'm just constantly playing Team Fortress 2 instead of, y'know, playing all these games I keep impulse-buying. XD

Posted : 16/09/2010 4:01 am
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I have been playing many of the older things lately. Been playing a lot on my SNES and N64.

Also been working some Quake 3 Arena, that game is still fun! 😀

Posted : 16/09/2010 10:30 pm
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world ranked professionally sponsored call of duty player here. BRING IT BITCHES! 😀

Posted : 17/09/2010 12:34 am
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world ranked professionally sponsored call of duty player here. BRING IT BITCHES! 😀

arrrrgh I just got my 360 back from my brother after a year or so and was really looking forward to finally trying Modern Warfare 2. Disk was scratched to shit, when will my bro learn to take care of his shit? :argh:

Posted : 17/09/2010 2:02 am
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world ranked professionally sponsored call of duty player here. BRING IT BITCHES! 😀

Ah Call of Duty. Good times good times. Only good ones were 1 and 2. >.>

Posted : 17/09/2010 3:23 am
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I'm a total whore for MMOs, but I can never dedicate myself to one. I've played countless (Dungeon Fighter Online being one of them. Very fun game, especially for being free). Right now I've cycled through to World of Warcraft again. A lot of my friends are trying to make me feel guilty for subscribing again, but the thing is I can't really get addicted to an MMO. I suppose this is a good thing, but I really want to be in that crowd of hardcore WoW players that have several level 80s and understand what "DPS" means. I want to run through dungeons and raids with other people. I want to be part of the experience! Alas, I can never stick with the game long enough to even get to 40 (hopefully this time I will).

Other than that, I am temporarily without an Xbox, as my brother took ours with him when he moved out. If I had one, I'd totally be playing Reach right now ;^;

Posted : 17/09/2010 8:53 am
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WoW has gotten incredibly casual friendly lately, and I'm one of those people who thinks its definitely a "good thing." There's a lot more to do at end-game and catching up to people who raid religiously isn't too difficult. When the new expansion comes out, all the old world boring quests are getting redone entirely, and the new talent system gives you access to awesome abilities at level 10. I've been so excited for it current WoW just seems like a total drag, hehe.

EDIT: I remembered another thing I've been playing lately: WordFeud! It's a free Android app that lets you play Scrabble with friends, and its designed so you can play multiple games over the course of several days, so you don't have to sit for 2 hours getting through one game at a time. It's quite fun :3

Posted : 17/09/2010 11:56 am
Posts: 17
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I'm really wanting to reach the level cap before Cataclysm comes out, but I'm not sure if that's possible for me D:

Posted : 17/09/2010 12:02 pm
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I'm really wanting to reach the level cap before Cataclysm comes out, but I'm not sure if that's possible for me D:

I'm sure you could, but...why would you want to? >.> Cata will actually make levelign things fun, hehe ^^

Posted : 17/09/2010 12:56 pm
Posts: 17
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I'm really wanting to reach the level cap before Cataclysm comes out, but I'm not sure if that's possible for me D:

I'm sure you could, but...why would you want to? >.> Cata will actually make levelign things fun, hehe ^^

Yeah, but as soon as I get that I'll be wanting to make a new character anyway (can you guess what race? ;D). I just want to be on top of the game like everyone else, eagerly waiting the new expansion to proceed further.

Posted : 17/09/2010 1:45 pm
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Right now I'm mostly playing Final Fantasy XIII, which I'm borrowing from a friend. Also finishing up Odin Sphere and Tales of Phantasia, and getting ready to start Person 3 and Tales of Vesperia. Kind of in the middle of Soul Silver, but that's definitely one of those works-in-progress, and I also semi-frequently play Dungeons and Dragons Online (mostly on Khyber) and will soon be playing Lord of the Rings Online (mostly on Vilya and Silverlode it seems). Of course, as gaming is one of my major hobbies I tend to move onto new titles nearly as soon as I finish old ones, and sometimes sooner even than that.

Posted : 17/09/2010 11:34 pm
Cresil Violet
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Just beat Metro 2033 on hardcore, brought tears to my eyes. :yay:

if I look up at what shortcuts are still on my desktop.. I've got:
Fallout 3, still got expansion content to explore. Sacrifice (demanded by Spanwolf that I play this) , Singularity, Sniper Ghost Warrior (I really like FPS, even these less-popular ones >_>) Unreal Gold, trying to beat that on the hardest mode, same with Mass Effect 2, and Dead Space. All 3 STALKERs are still out since they released new total-conversion mods I am playing through. Starcraft 2, and well who knows I may re-activate my WoW acct for Cata.

Posted : 21/09/2010 2:31 am
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